Google Adsense down
June 8th, 2008 | by Sean |On my way to bed, thought I’d check AdSense one last time but got:
The Google AdSense website is temporarily unavailable. Please try back later.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Even the big guys have bad days.
So I had a quick look at the Google Blog Search to see what others were saying about the downage, and followed the link at the bottom of the page About Google Blog Search and saw the item about ‘How do I get my blog listed’. In there is a link to the interesting-sounding Google Blog Search Pinging Service so I clicked it. And I got this:
Google Help Center
I think Google needs to work longer Fridays! Come on guys, finish things before the weekend!
PS. I wrote this blog entry, saw an option for ‘Pretty Permalinks’, set it and went to bed. The blog article was inaccessible until the next day… I should take my own advice.